30 June 2008



Be welcome to the GPe-du - UNISINOS/CNPq Digital Education Research Group's Blog.

GPe-du is a research group linked to the Program of Postgraduation in Education of UNISINOS. It was created in 2004 and it does research projects and development in Digital Education, in an inter and transdisciplinar perspective.

This space is a "perpetual beta" where you can find information about the group, programs and research projects, virtual digital atmospheres, scientific productions, dissertations and theories developed by the researchers and, links library with tutorials, downloads, events in the area, among others.

You are our guest, come to discuss and to contribute with us : -)

Eliane Schlemmer



  • SACCOL, A. Z. ; SCHLEMMER, E. ; BARBOSA, Jorge Luis Victória ; REINHARD, Nicolau ; SARMENTO, C. . M-LEARNING ADOPTION IN BRAZIL. In: International Conference Mobile Learning 2008 Proceedings, 2008, Algarve - Portugal. Anais do IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2008. Portugal : IADIS Press, 2008. v. 1. p. 69-73.
  • SCHLEMMER, E. ; BACKES, L. ; FRANK, Patricia Silva Smurra ; SILVA, Frederico Andros da . ECODI: The Invention of a Digital-Virtual Living Space. In: WBE - The Seventh International Conference on Web Based Education 2008, 2008, Insbruck - Austria. Anais do WBE - The Seventh International Conference on Web Based Education 2008, 2008. v. 1. p. xx-xx.


  • SCHLEMMER, E. ; GARRIDO, Susane Martins Lopes ; MUSSE, Soraia Raupp . Evaluation of Conversational Agents: Mariá and ET. IE Comunicaciones (Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa),, v. 1, p. 35-48, 2007.


  • SCHLEMMER, E. ; BACKES, Luciana . CONSTRUCTION OF VIRTUAL REALITIES IN TEACHER S TRAINING: A CONFIGURATION OF COHABITING SPACES. In: 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education. Rio de Janeiro, 2006. v. 1.
  • SCHLEMMER, E. ; GARRIDO, Susane Martins Lopes . Reflexions about the Politic-Pedagogical Project for On Line Education. . In: 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education. Rio de Janeiro, 2006. v. 1.
  • SCHLEMMER, E. ; BACKES, Luciana ; FRANK, Patricia Silva Smurra ; SILVA, Frederico Andros da . Learning through the Construction of Virtual Worlds in Continuing Distance Education. In: 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education. Rio de Janeiro, 2006. v. 1.

  • SCHLEMMER, E. ; BACKES, Luciana ; GARRIDO, Susane Martins Lopes . Virtual Community: Re-Interpreting the Learning Relations. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2005, 2005, Montreal - Canada. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2005. Chesapeake, VA : P. Kommers & G. Richards, 2005. v. 1. p. 670-676.

  • SCHLEMMER, E. . Virtual Learning Environment: an Interdisciplinary Experience. In: WebNet 2000 World conference on the WWW and Internet, 2000, San Antônio. Final Program, www.aace.org, Webnet Journal Internet Tecnologies, Applications &Issues,, 2000.

For more articles in portuguese click here.